TT Groups & Practice Sessions
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45 min
TT Support Group
This small group is by invitation only.
Currently not in session.
The TT practice is enabling many to resolve and clear long-held, unconscious, and deeply-rooted samskaras.
Though challenging at times, this is a wonderful indication that the process is working deeply and thoroughly.
As each person’s process unfolds, a need for more specific attention to entrenched emotional issues may emerge. These meetings are intended to support participants to focus attention, process specific issues more deeply, and receive collaborative support in the clearing of trapped, entrenched energies.
Meetings for this group take place every-other Thursday at the following times. Please adjust for your time zone.
8 – 9:30am PST
5 – 6:30pm CET
8:30 –10pm IST
The same zoom link will be used for all TT Support Group meetings. Please use the zoom link previously provided.
Questions or concerns? Contact Partha Srinivasan.
Cancellation Policy
When participating in a small group please give respectful notice of absence or cancelation to the facilitator at least 48-hours in advance.